How does coaching work?
My experience as a leader and a coach gives me a sense of what good process looks like, but no two of my coaching assignments are the same. Above all, coaching needs to fit the client, not vice versa.
You may want to use our meetings to address significant strategic issues for your business or big work-life issues for yourself. Or it may be something more immediate that you'd like to work on: which of two or three paths should you follow; or how you can work better, be more focused, get past a block or make something more comfortable. Ultimately, my coaching is about giving you a reflective space to consider and resolve challenges that you are facing as a leader and to leave with a plan of action around each of your goals.
An important first step for us both is an initial 'chemistry' meeting. This is informal (and free): I want you to be sure that you can trust and work with me. It may then be helpful to you for us to meet in order to scope the overall goals, objectives and success measures for your coaching. Subsequent coaching meetings will be at a frequency that works for you and will include follow-up on previous goals and actions and specific topics for that session.
I've learnt from being coached myself that it's important for there to be momentum in the relationship between a coach and a client. So one of the things I will do as your coach is to develop with you a means for you to assess the effectiveness of the work that we are doing. This might be after periods of time or against milestones, and may be qualitative or quantitative. If you like, we can also make the business case for coaching in your organisation.
For a typical assignment, I will agree a fixed fee which will include our coaching meetings, input sessions, review meetings and non-contact term allocated for my preparation for and follow-up from coaching meetings (which may include the design of exercises, materials, reading lists, preparation and/or review of feedback reports, file notes, etc.). We will monitor time allocation together to ensure that you are getting best value, with the option to extend the timeframe for which we work together.
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